Our durags are unisex and can accommodate all adult sizes. They are made on 100% premium polyester and are designed to be extremely comfortable to wear while providing maximum compression. Durags have more recently reached extreme popularity, and if you are looking to buy a waves cap durag, you have come to the right place.
Other than being extremely trendy at the moment, there are a lot of other reasons to be using our waves cap durag. They are very friendly to your skin and can be used to keep your head cool on a hot summer day. Wave cap druags are also used to hide embarrassing hair loss problems or as a sleep cap. They can be used as a headscarf as well. You can use them to your desired preference, be it a 360, 540, or a 720 wave style without any worry. The size of our waves cap durags is 108 x 45 cm and comes with extra-long straps.
The premium polyester allows the durag to be very easily cleaned and it’s fast-drying. A durag serves other purposes beyond just being a durag. For example, you can use it as a rag cloth in an emergency or even turn it around to use as a makeshift face mask to block from the wind.
Our wave cap durags are extremely affordable and come in an assortment of colors. They have long straps for maximum compression and security. The high-quality fabric used lets air pass easily ensuring your head doesn’t get warm or sweaty all the while keeping your hair healthy and in style.
Don’t wait any longer. Get our stylish wave cap durags today at amazing prices. Bandanas Wholesale is happy to solve your every durag need!