Stitch Calvin Cat for yourself, make him a friend, or share the gift of stitching with someone special! He makes a wonderful gift, toy, and delightful holiday ornament!
Simply cut out the pattern and fabric inside, then stitch your kit together following step-by-step instructions and illustrations. This kit includes all the basic materials needed to create Calvin Cat, and his fish.
Contents: Wool felt, wool stuffing, cotton pipe cleaners, hardware for overalls, black sew-in eyes, Glass beads for fish eyes, embroidery needle, Long darning needle, embroidery thread to match, directions, illustrations, and pattern.
Tools to gather from home: Small sharp scissors & a bamboo skewer for stuffing.
Optional materials: You most likely have these at home too!
* Craft glue (for attaching the inner ear - you can also sew this) * A small twig, long toothpick, or bamboo skewer for a fishing rod * A candle or tea light to wax the whiskers * A fine point, permanent felt tip pen (eyeliner and fur markings)